WebMusic ProjectListen to your music |
- Supported Services: Deezer, Jamendo (playback only)
- Integrates into the Desktop via MPRIS2-Standard, Notifications, latest GNOME 3 technologies
- Uses WebKit 2 to render Webpages
- Supports GNOME 3 Searchprovider to search for music directly from the dashboard
- A Mini-Mode reduces the displayed data to a minimum with additional overlay buttons for convenience functions
- A small Desktop-Widget shows the most important data and allows to play / pause the current song
- Advanced MPRIS-2 features like volume control, seeking, playlists, shuffle, repeat
- No need of nspluginwrapper
Service integration
To integrate a certain webservice into WebMusic the application is checking the file system for service configuration files (Ini-style). These files are describing the available functionality for each service and can link to a separate integration file (Javascript). Integration files are inserted into the webpage and are communicating with the application to exchange information like artist or track name.If you would like to see your favourite music service integrated into WebMusic feel free to check the existing service integration files and adopt the code to match your favourite service. The files are available in the repository via src/Resources/Services/.
- File a bug: GitHub Issues
- Watch the code: Repository
- Get the App: Currently no official packages available